Online School Fundraising: Go Cashless, Raise Money, and Delight Your Students

Have you noticed how more and more shops and restaurants are going cashless? Because of COVID-19 safety recommendations, many schools need to go cashless too!

It might seem new…and a bit scary…but the shift to fundraising online could also mean huge rewards for your school.

Schools like Lindfield Public School have dramatically increased their fundraising in just one year by bringing their fundraising campaigns to life online, and you can too. Here at JustGiving® from Blackbaud®, we have decades of experience in cashless fundraising we’d love to share with you.

It all amounts to keeping your community safe, ensuring donations payments are secure, and making admin easier.

Online fundraising is the fast and simple way to raise the money you need to complete special school projects. And we’ve got just the tools, tips, and examples to walk you through the process.

Join Blackbaud’s Senior Account Manager and self-confessed fundraising nerd Celeste Harrison in a brand new session to learn…

  • A firsthand account of how Lindfield Public School raised $91,858 using online fundraising

  • The Roadmap to Success, a step-by-step guide to fundraising online

  • The best tools you can use to grow your fundraising right away

  • Online fundraising checklist to help you start planning

  • Interested in setting your school up for online fundraising success? Watch the new webinar on this page now.

Speaker Bio

Celeste Harrison
Senior Account Manager, Blackbaud

Celeste Harrison has worked in the nonprofit sector for more than 12 years. Celeste is a self-confessed “fundraising nerd” who specialises in digital campaign strategy. In her current role, Celeste has the privilege of working with a number of Australia’s biggest and most successful charities and fundraising campaigns.

Whether it’s diving deep into data, mapping comprehensive user journeys, building bespoke websites, or delivering best practice virtual events, Celeste is obsessed with doing whatever it takes to help the causes she cares about raise more.


How do we start fundraising?

Learn what you need and what to expect when getting started with online peer-to-peer fundraising.

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